Apparently, I have a square face and this is only important because I’d really like to get my hair cut super short and not look like a complete fool in the process. From the research I’ve done, knowing the shape of my face is extremely important in order to pick an appropriate hairstyle. I know very little about hairstyles, makeup, and hair maintenance. I’ve never worn makeup and the only product that has touched my hair in the past 5 years is Aveda. My hair right now is shoulder length, but I’m ready for a change.
My Grandma and I used to discuss getting our hair cut really short before she died last November. She had moderately long hair too, but she wore it in a braid everyday. Because I was just a little nervous, I told her I’d get mine cut if she would get her hair cut as well, but she simply wouldn’t go along with it. A few weeks after she died, I had a dream that I was speaking to my Grandma on the telephone, something she couldn’t do the last year of her life, and she assured me that she was feeling fantastic and she and Papa were happy and eating egg sandwiches everyday and I was so happy, but then she threw me a curve ball. She told me to get my hair cut because it was, after all, just hair and it would grow back and I would probably like it better short anyway. She always did have to have the last word.
So, now it’s April and I’ve procrastinated my orders from a deceased grandparent, which I think is just bad Karma. This morning I finally found a flow chart and figured out that my square face would not look good with some pixie cuts which means this haircutting business is a complicated game. Tomorrow I’m going to call Aveda and make an appointment for this weekend so Mr. MVP and I can take my knowledge and make the change I’ve been craving.
Who knows, maybe this will be the best haircut of my life, but Mr. MVP says he reserves the right to not love me anymore if it turns out horrible (he’s joking, relax). I suppose I can always knit a great hat to wear until it grows out because as my Grandma did say it really is just hair.