On Sunday, which actually happened to be the first day of Autumn, I surprised Mr. MVP with an activity that I’ve been working on with my Mom for a couple of weeks. It all has to do with bananas. Really gigantic bananas. We took a ride in the Big Banana Car.
The Big Banana Car is 23-1/2 feet long and is, as it’s driver Tom Brown says ” completely street legal.” The cool thing about riding in this banana is the proceeds from every ride go to help raise awareness for deep vein thrombosis, a type of blood clot. I love this because I suffer from blood clots and it is not particularly fun so I’m impressed that the Big Banana Car has raised $4,446.26 so far.
Before we climbed in I asked Tom a few questions about the banana.
Tom told me that the banana is made of fiberglass and is built on the frame of a 1993 pick-up truck and only gets about 14 miles per gallon. He also said that he loves driving the Big Banana Car and it shows because where ever Tom and the car go there are smiles, waves, photographs and, I’m not kidding you, squeals of happiness.
My Mom, Mrs. B, joined us for the ride and you’ll notice that we are wearing winter coats and hats. It was 55 degrees outside at 10:00 a.m. and it was pretty chilly. I wouldn’t have traded that seat in the Big Banana Car for anything.
Mr. MVP sat in the way back so he was in charge of taking photographs and shooting video. I like this picture above of our heads and the one below that shows the open road.
I know the photographs are great and everything, but let’s face it, I know you want a video, so watch the video that Mr. MVP put together that will put you in the seat of the Big Banana Car. If you like your virtual ride, contact Tom Brown at Big Banana Car or 269-806-7063 to schedule your ride today.